What is ED The 5 Different Types of Erectile Dysfunction to Know Causes and Treatment OptionsErectile Dysfunction (ED) affects between 10% to 50% of men in the US alone. However, three out of four men consider it too embarrassing to talk about. In this blog post, we’ll look at the five different types of erectile dysfunction, causes, and treatment options. Zinnia Aesthetics and Anti-Aging Clinic offers customized treatment options for ED.

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

ED is a condition in which a man cannot achieve or maintain an erection. This condition can take place at any age, but it’s more common in men over the age of 40. ED can be caused by mental circumstances, physical factors, or a combination of both.

  1. Lack of Blood Flow

The most common physical cause of ED is inadequate blood flow to the penis. Physical conditions that can predispose men for this problem include atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. These lifestyle habits foster plaque buildup in your arteries, which reduces blood flow not only to your penis but throughout your entire body.

     2. Mental Health Issues

Mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and comparing oneself to others can cause ED. Relationship problems can also lead to ED as well. If you’re on mental health medication but believe you may be experiencing ED as a result, speak with the professional who issued your prescription.

     3. Too Much Stress

Stress is a common contributing factor of male impotence. Stress causes physical changes in the body including the increase of cortisol. If you’re having trouble feeling relaxed whenever you need to get it up, here are a few simple recommendations to reduce lifestyle stress.

     4. Central Nervous System Issues

Nerve signaling deficiencies are often a sign of previous nerve damage. Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), spinal cord damage, and surgery (specifically prostate surgery) are all possible causes. Seek help from a vetted neurological disease expert.

     5. Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalance is yet another common cause of ED. This occurs when you don’t have enough free-flowing testosterone in your body on a regular basis. Not feeling relaxed or ready for the bedroom? Here are a few safe ways to naturally increase your testosterone.

Diagnosis and Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction

If you’re experiencing symptoms of ED, it’s important to talk to medical professionals. Specialists will run tests to determine the cause of your ED and recommend customized treatment options. Holistic lifestyle changes will almost always help you get rid of ED. Challenging, regular exercise, and eating a well-rounded, whole-food diet can lessen ED by increasing blood flow to the penis. Quitting smoking and reducing stress are also must-haves for resolving this issue.

The Bottom Line

If you’re experiencing ED but don’t know who to turn to, Zinnia Aesthetics and Anti-Aging Clinic can help. Schedule your free in-clinic consultation with Anteneh Roba MD who will discuss the following treatment options:

  • Diet focusing on plants and fruits and foods that boost natural testosterone levels weight loss management for individuals that are overweight or obese
  • Exercise program
  • Supplements
  • Penile pump
  • PDE5i / or  Low dose Cialis
  • Hormone treatment
  • Low -Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy((Li-ECSWT)
  • Priapus Shot (P-Shot ) Platelet Rich Plasma
  • Stem Cells/Exosomes 
  • Peptides 
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