Use of Penile Pumps for ED and Penile Growth
A penis pump is a device used to induce erections and has been purported to help with penile growth.
How a Penis Pump Works?
A penis pump consists of a plastic tube that fits over the penis, a hand or battery-powered pump attached to the tube, and a band that fits around the base of the penis once it is erect (constriction ring).
Indications for use of Penile Pump:
1. Erectile dysfunction
Penis pumps can be a good erectile dysfunction treatment for several reasons:
•Penis pumps are effective. With practice and correct use, the majority of men can get an erection sufficient for sex.
•Penis pumps pose less of a risk than do other treatments. The risk of side effects or complications is lower than it is with any other erectile dysfunction treatment.
•Penile Pump is cheap
•Penis pumps are noninvasive. They don’t require surgery, inserting medication into the tip of your penis or penile injections.
•Penis pumps can be used with other treatments like PRP which might help with ED and penile growth
•Using a penis pump might help regain erectile function after certain procedures. For example, using a penis pump might help restore ones ability to get a natural erection after prostate surgery or radiation therapy for prostate cancer.
Increase penile growth
Although there is no evidence penile
pumps cause permanent penile growth,
it can cause temporary penile growth
and also increased strength.
•increased risk of bleeding
•blood clots or bleeding.
Side effects:
•Pinpoint-sized red dots (petechiae). This is caused by bleeding under the surface of the skin of the penis.
•Numbness, coldness or bluish-colored skin. This can occur when the constriction band is in place.
•Pain or bruising. Knowing how to use the penis pump correctly can help you avoid injury to your penis.
•Feeling of trapped semen.
Penis pumps have some other possible drawbacks:
•Unnatural-feeling erections. Penis pumps can cause an erection that doesn’t feel natural or spontaneous.
•Awkwardness. Use of a penis pump requires patience and understanding from both partners.
•Manual coordination is required. Penis pumps require use of the hands and fingers to operate, which can be a problem for some men
When a penile pump is used in conjunction with PRP the penile pump can be applied on the penis for 10 minutes twice a day at 10 mmHg for 6 to 8 weeks
Using a penis pump won’t cure erectile dysfunction, but it might create an erection firm enough for the person to have sexual intercourse. It also may increase penile length and width.
In conclusion, using a penile pump can be useful as long as its used appropriately and without unrealistic expectations.
To learn more about about the use of penile pumps call our office at (703) 992-9815
Dr. Anteneh Roba