Erectile Dysfunction, an inability to achieve or maintain an erection enough for a satisfactory sexual encounter affects up to half of the men in the USA at some point in their lives. At age 40, ED can affect 40% of men and at age 70, ED can affect 70% of men. Men who have Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes Mellitus type 2 or who take medications have a higher incidence of erectile dysfunction than the average population. In fact it is considered by many doctors who deal with cardiovascular diseases that ED is one of the first signs of heart disease. There are many other causes of ED like, hormonal imbalances, psychogenic causes especially in younger men, neurologic causes, drug or alcohol use, cigarette smoking, and trauma.

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What are the most current treatments for ED?

The most current and advanced treatments for ED are Low Intensity ExtraCorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (Li-ECSWT), PRP (P-Shot), and Stem Cells.

What is Low Intensity ExtraCorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (Li-ECSWT)?

Li-ECWST is mechanically generated sound waves that exert their biological effect on tissues to treat various medical conditions like ED. The sound waves that are generated bring about cellular changes that lead to release of growth factors and recruitment of the bodies dormant stem cells to generate new blood vessels that help increase blood flow to the penis which is the main way a man gets an erection.

By actually creating new blood vessels Li-ECSWT address the core problem of most causes of erectile dysfunction which is not getting enough blood into the penis for an erection, usually caused by damage to the blood vessels or blockage of blood vessels in the penis due to chronic diseases such as Heart Disease, Diabetes Mellitus Type 2.

How Effective is Li-ECSWT?

Studies done in Europe and Asia show 70% improvement in patients with Erectile Dysfunction that have had a series of 6 to12 sessions of Li-ECSWT and our own experience shows us that adding the Priapus Shot otherwise called the P -Shot increases the chances of success even more.

Is the Treatment Painful?

The treatment is pain free

How long Does it Take to be Treated?

The treatment takes 15 minutes.

How Many Treatments are usually Needed?

We usually recommend the full 12 treatments done three times a week for two weeks or two times a week for three for the 1st 6 treatment followed by a 3 week break followed by another 6 treatments following the same time table.

Are Follow up Treatments Needed?

We suggest 1 to 2 treatments every few months.

Does the Treatment Have Any Side Effects?

The treatment has virtually no side effects.

Are Results Permanent?

Patients that have had success with Li-ECSWT have been followed for up to two years and their results have been persistent. It is unknown how far out the treatment remains effective after the 2 year mark.

Does Insurance Cover This Procedure?

It is unlikely that your insurance will cover Low Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy, but feel free to call our friendly staff 703-239-8392, and we will certainly check.

Do you Provide Financing?

Yes, we have financing available through Care Credit which our team will also be more than happy to go over with you or help you apply.

For more information please contact us at Zinnia Aesthetics and Anti-Aging Clinic located at 9862 Main Street Suite A, Fairfax, Va 22031 or call us at (703) 992-9815