2020 is finally behind us. With the vaccine on the way, hopefully we’ll all be back to business as usual soon. But, unfortunately, many of us have gained extra weight during the pandemic as a result of stress eating, snacking out of boredom, and inactivity from working and quarantining at home.

New Years is always the time for those big Weight Loss Resolutions and – this year especially – many of us want to say goodbye to the extra pounds that are a lasting reminder of this challenging year.  But weight loss resolutions rarely work for any length of time.

The good news is that Zinnia Aesthetics now offers revolutionary new weight loss treatments that can get rid of extra, unwanted pounds – and keep them off.  These medically supervised weight loss programs make it much easier to keep your New Year’s resolution of losing weight – all without dangerous medications or endless exercising.

In this article the weight loss experts at Zinnia Aesthetics in the Alexandria, VA area discuss two of the most effective ways we can help you lose weight and finally get the body you’ll love!

Robard Weight Loss Program

The Robard weight loss program is scientifically designed to help patients lose weight. This plan is customized for each individual patient in a way that suits their lifestyle, with minimal time and effort.

At the core of the Robard weight loss program is delicious, scientifically designed, prepared food products that keep you from feeling hungry, while reducing your caloric intake. The menu is both flexible and customizable, so you only eat the foods you enjoy!

Food selections include everything from Cheesy Nacho Pasta to Chocolate Fudge Cake! There is also an easy to use mobile app for patient logging, to help keep you on track and to share information with your doctor.

The science behind the Robard foods is what makes this program different – and more effective – than many other standard prepared diet foods and “lean cuisines”. While Robards is a Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD), the precise combination of proteins, controlled carbohydrate levels, and soluble dietary fibers maintain a steady amino acid balance that results in mild ketosis, keeps you full, and tastes great.

It also includes balanced levels of high quality macro and micronutrients – which keep your metabolism going so your body continues to burn fat. And, the addition of prebiotic fibers and a unique strain of probiotics to support optimal intestinal health.

Medically Supervised Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss

By now, most people who are interested in losing weight have heard of some version of intermittent fasting. This is a method of dieting in which the individual cycles between regular periods of fasting and eating. The science behind intermittent fasting is that when you go several hours without food, the body exhausts its sugar reserves and starts burning fat.

Intermittent fasting can be very effective when done properly – but it can be difficult, dangerous and ineffective (even leading to yo-yo weight gain) if not done correctly. Unsupervised intermittent fasting can lead to an increase in the stress hormone, cortisol, which may lead to even more food cravings, overeating during the eating cycle, and even binge eating.

Dr. Robah at Zinnia Aesthetics in the Alexandria, VA area can put in place a customized, medically supervised intermittent fasting program that is safe and effective for your body, your unique weight loss needs, and your individual lifestyle.

When medically supervised, intermittent fasting is not only effective for weight loss, but it can also offer protection against chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, age-related neurodegenerative disorders, IBS and many cancers.

Medically supervised intermittent fasting has also been shown to improve cognition and memory, reduce blood pressure, help build muscle mass, and even increase physical endurance and improve tissue health.

Medical Weight Loss Alexandria , VA

Fad diets are rarely effective, often hard to follow, leave you always hungry (and grumpy!), and can drain your energy and damage your health. That why New Year’s weight loss resolutions never work for very long.

And reducing calories or fasting on your own, without medical support, can lead to fatigue, dietary deficiencies and even organ damage.

But a customized medical weight loss program at Zinnia Aesthetics in the Alexandria, VA area can finally help you lose weight – and keep it off – safely and effectively.

Personalized scientific calorie reduction using the Robard program, and medically supervised intermittent fasting are the two weight loss tools that can finally help you lose weight … without medication, without endless working out, and without constantly feeling hungry.

If you are ready to put your 2021 New Years Resolution into place and get the trim, healthy body you’ve always wanted, schedule a medical weight loss consultation at Zinnia Aesthetics today.

 Medical Weight Loss – Alexandria, VA: (703) 992-9815

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