The latest talk in sexual wellness is the use of BoPriapus™ (Bocox™) & P-Shot 100™ in restoring men’s sexual vitality. The quality of a man’s erection depends primarily on blood flow to the penis. ED usually occurs when blood circulation to the penis slows down, making it hard to achieve and/or maintain erections. The BoCox injections can improve blood flow to the penis, targeting the root cause. Dr. Roba is trained under Dr. Charles Runels, founder of this procedure and is certified by the Cellular Medicine Association.
Does the Bocox™ procedure improve erections?
Bocox™ can relax the smooth muscle that controls blood flow through the arteries of the penis; when the smooth muscle relaxes, the arteries increase in diameter, and more blood flows into the penis—causing improved erection,and increased firmness of the erection.
Can the Bocox™ procedure increase the size of the penis?
The Bocox™ procedure alone is unlikely to improve the erect size of the penis but it does improve the size of the flaccid penis by maintaining more blood flow in the flaccid state, it works best in conjunction with the P-shot.
How much growth to expect?
About 10-20% in length and girth. The increase in girth occurs first, then about an inch or a little more in length. Results will vary!
Is it painful?
- The injection is done after applying a strong numbing cream, and the needle is very small, so pain is quite minimal.
- Safe and effective procedure
- Suitable alternative to the Pshot alone
- No post treatment downtime
Bocox can improve the following:
- ED
- Inability to maintain erections
- Premature Ejaculatons
- Length and girth of the penis
- Overall Sexual Function