Anteneh Roba MD
Most people think neurotoxins are effective for smoothing out wrinkles. However, did you know they are also remarkably adaptable and serve various functions, including restoring men’s sexual vigor? Yes.
BOCOX is a minimally invasive way to use neurotoxins to enhance penile health and function. Bocox was created by ‘orgasm doctor’ Dr. Charles Runels, also inventor of the O-Shot® , P-Shot®, and Vampire Facelift®. I trained under Runels, and now I train doctors on becoming experts in these specific treatments and procedures.
Blood flow to the penis has a significant role in determining how good an erection is. Blood rushes into the penis when men are aroused, enabling them to perform sexually. It becomes difficult for men to obtain and maintain erections when blood flow to the penis slows down, which is the typical cause of erection problems. So by enhancing blood flow to the penis, BOCOX injections enable us to address the underlying cause of erectile dysfunction. Not only does Bocox relax this targeted muscle, it supports functional improvements by affecting the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system within the penis.
Bocox and the P-Shot are both injectable treatments that improve the function and appearance of the penis. While the outcomes of Bocox and P-Shot procedures can be similar, the active components of each respective treatment differ, which may make one a better option for some patients than others.
Bocox injections produce results through use of a neurotoxin that temporarily freezes penile muscles to facilitate improved blood circulation to the penis. The P-Shot, in contrast, consists of a platelet-rich fibrin matrix and growth factors, which are derived from the patient’s blood. The P-Shot supports cosmetic and functional improvements by amplifying the body’s repair and regeneration processes in the genital area. Sometimes, the optimal treatment is to combine both Bocox and the P-Shot.
The injection results will gradually become apparent over a few days. After six weeks, the final results will be seen. The neurotoxin will need time to impact the targeted muscles fully and the effects continue for approximately 6 to 8 months.
At Zinnia Aesthetics and Anti-Aging Clinic, I offer a variety of treatments for mens sexual wellness including: medication, hormone therapy, and shockwave therapy. These treatments are designed to improve blood flow to the penis, increase testosterone levels, and address psychological factors that may be contributing to any issue. Call us for a consultation today.