DMV Wellness Counseling and Treatment

Our wellness program focuses on a patient centered, holistic and comprehensive approach to health care. Our customized treatment plan is individualized to meet the physical, psychological and spiritual needs of our patients.

We avail ourselves of the most cutting-edge state of the art treatments that enhance the chances of our patients’ road to recovery that is fast and uncomplicated.

Our main goal is to help our patients regain their health through lifestyle modification. This allows the patients’ own body to heal itself instead of relying on conventional symptom driven treatments that at times, can do more harm than good.

Although our main focus is a blend of evidenced based functional medical practice and conventional medicine, we recognize that at times we may have to revert back to treat the patients’ symptoms with medications.

Helping achieve maximal health of our patients is our goal and we will try to help our patients achieve that goal.

We are open Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. Please call our staff at (703) 992-9815 anytime for a free consultation. Financing is available through CareCredit. Our team will also be more than happy to go over those details with you.

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